
Syberia 2 walkthrough with pictures
Syberia 2 walkthrough with pictures

syberia 2 walkthrough with pictures

While you're there, talk to the young girl named Malka who is standing right underneath you. Then head outside, and try using the lever in the middle of the platform to load the coal. It doesn't appear as if you can get any candy from the right-most machine. Using the second coin from the left (50 something-or-other) on the middle machine gets you some Fish Candy. Use the fifth coin from the left (with a reindeer on it) on the left-most machine, and you get some Sugar Candy. Select the Coins from inventory, and a rather large selection will appear at the top of your screen. Use the Small Key on the keyhole in the right-most one, and you come up with some Coins. Examine the three candy machines on the table near the entrance. Then mention 'Gate', and you hear that the gate is apparently always locked to keep the people below from coming up here. Talk to Emiliov about the 'Coal', and he says you can use the device in the middle of the platform to load your train with coal. Take the Small Key from the drawer to the left of the broken candy machine. Examine the broken candy machine on the counter where Emeliov was standing the first time you spoke with him. Go all the way to the north on the platform, and examine the gate there. Talk to Oscar, and when you mention 'Train', you discover that you will need to load the train with some coal before you can depart. Wind up the train by: turning the wheel to extend the winding device, then pulling the lever on the ground, then turning the wheel again to retract the device. Then head back outside, and go south to where Oscar is camped out. Follow him into the station house, and go talk to him. You immediately bump into Colonel Emeliov, the. So the first order of business is to find a way to do that here. As you may have learned from the original Syberia, this is an automaton train that needs to be wound up periodically. He's going to Syberia no matter what, and it looks like you are too. Romansburg - Head towards the front of the train and talk to Hans. The game begins as the train pulls into a station.

syberia 2 walkthrough with pictures syberia 2 walkthrough with pictures

It will at least give you a clue as to what transpired in the previous game, though playing the first game is not essential to enjoying or comprehending this one. By Steve Metzler (May, 2004) Developer: Benoit Sokal Publisher: Microids If you haven't played the original Syberia, you should first use the 'Syberia Recap' button on the main menu.

Syberia 2 walkthrough with pictures