
Sequelae trauma symptom checklist for children
Sequelae trauma symptom checklist for children

For the nine clinical scales in the TSCYC, it ranged between 0.46-0.92 and 0.77-0.96, respectively. The internal consistency, Cronbach's alpha of total scale of the TSCYC was 0.92 (normative group) and 0.96 (traumatized group). Among normative group, 88 performed a re-test after 4 weeks. The Korean version of the TSCYC was administered to the caretakers of a normative group of 299 children (137 boys and 162 girls) aged 3 to 12 yr and a traumatized group of 73 sexually abused children (22 boys and 51 girls) aged 3 to 12 yr and their caretakers rated the TSCYC and the Child Behavior Checklist and the Child Sexual Behavior Inventory.

sequelae trauma symptom checklist for children

The TSCYC is an instrument to identify trauma symptoms in children from age 3 to 12 yr by their caretakers. The present study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Korean version of the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children (TSCYC) including reliability and validity.

Sequelae trauma symptom checklist for children