If you have fewer than fourdisk images, number them beginning with 0 and don't use SMART3.ġ1. The four disk image files should be namedSMART0.*, SMART1.*, SMART2.*, and SMART3.*, where * is either PO, HDV, or 2MG. Apple2Onlinehas some blank HFS disk images of various sizes in their CFFA3000 area, which are perfect for Apple II usage.The hard disk image files can be in. HFS is thefilesystem normally used on vintage Macintosh computers, and it supports volume sizes up to 2 GB.

On the Apple II GS under GS/OS6.0.1, however, it's possible to boot from a 32 MB ProDOS volume, and then mount other HFS volumes. Check the IIc ROM revision by typing PRINT PEEK(64447) at the BASIC prompt.Although the Smartport protocol supports drive sizes up to 8 GB, the maximum size of a ProDOS volume is 32 MB,which means Apple II hard disk images normally can't be any larger than this.

, and the Apple IIc with ROM version 0 or later (anything other than ROMversion 255).